By default CalendarMenu tries to read all birthdays from your Address Book ( If this is not possible - for example due to missing access permissions (see below), it tries to use the system birthday calendar instead. This calendar however has to be enabled in iCal ( first before it becomes available to other applications; it is disabled by default. This can be done in the preferences window (at the very bottom on the tab "General")
CalendarMenu uses the following icons to mark days with calendar events and/or reminders in both the calendar grid and the statusbar item:
event |
source |
normal calendar event |
macOS Calendars |
allday calendar event |
macOS Calendars |
calendar event spanning multiple days (8 = day number) |
macOS Calendars |
birthday |
macOS Calendars or the iCal birthday calendar |
pending reminder |
macOS Calendars |
overdue reminder |
macOS Calendars |
If you don't see any birthdays from your Address Book in CalendarMenu even though the respective option is enabled in the CalendarMenu settings, chances are that you've limited the access to your contacts in the System Preferences panel called "Security" (section "Privacy"). This feature is a part of the "Gatekeeper" security concept and only available on macOS Version 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and newer:
If no calendar events and/or reminders are shown in CalendarMenu even though the respective options are enabled in the application settings, chances are that you've limited the access to your calendar data in the System Preferences panel called "Security" (section "Privacy"). Starting with macOS version 10.9 (Mavericks) this pereference panel now has separate entries for calendars and reminder lists:
In macOS version 10.9 (Mavericks) and newer, the calendar app automatically subscribes to a holiday calendar matching the current region and language settings of your system. But they only show up in the calendar app (which is required to show them in CalendarMenu) if they are enabled in the application preferences of the calendar app.
Please note: these calendars apparently are not available for all regions and countries.
If you want to use these calendars on previous versions of macOS like Mountain Lion, you can either use iCal subscr"+"iptions from different sources (which also may provide better data) or you can use the Apple feeds as well. The URI of these feeds can be used for manually adding them as calendar subscr"+"iptions and is as follows:
You just have to replace the ISO region code (in this case "DE_de" for Germany) with the desired one, for example "CH_de" for Switzerland or "US_en" for the United States.
If you use iCloud for your calendars and reminders, this data will be synchronized automatically by macOS. Changes will be shown in CalendarMenu as soon as macOS synchronizes itself with iCloud (which may take a few seconds, and of course requires internet connectivity).
So there is no need to activate this option unless there are other calendars which may need to be updated regularly.
If you mark a reminder as (un)finished within CalendarMenu, this change will also be synchronized automatically.
All iCloud calendars and reminder lists will be marked as subscr"+"iption in CalendarMenu.
Due to the App sandboxing model used in the Mac App Store, sandboxed apps have to register Login Items using a system framework called "ServiceManagement". Such a login item is not visible in the System Preferences Panel "Users & Groups", so you can only remove it using the respective application which created it in the first place.
So this is an intentional (but very unfortunate) behaviour of macOS.
Alternatively, you can manually add CalendarMenu to the Login Items in the System Preferences Panel "Users & Groups" instead of using the respective checkbox in the CalendarMenu settings.
On screens with lower resolutions (for example on a MacBook Air) it can happen that applications like Safari, which has many menus, cause a few status bar items to suddenly disappear.
This is automatically done by macOS because it always shows all menus and leaves the available space to the status item area on the right side of the bar. But this space may not be sufficient to show all active status items, so the system starts to hide them until there is enough space to show the others; it usually begins with those on the very left.
Since macOS Mojave (Version 10.14) you can simply drag the status bar items around while pressing the CMD-key on your keyboard.
On previous macOS versions (10.13 and older) there is unfortunately no way to influence this behaviour, nor can a developer choose where a status item should be shown. The only possible way to create more space here is to deactivate unused status items. Some items - like for example the user menu - also offer reduced appearances which require less space and thus leave more of it to the others.
Either way, CalendarMenu is always accessible with its own global keyboard shortcut (which first has to be set of course), even though it may not be visible at the moment.
Yes, right- or ctrl-clicking on the status item will switch between the current day number and the current calendar week number.