Tired of launching the macOS Calculator app and stepping through menu paths or launching the fullscreen OS X Dashboard just for doing a simple currency conversion? Maybe even without having to move your fingers from the keyboard? Here's the solution:

Exchange Rates 4 is a small currency calculator residing in the macOS status bar – always available and always up to date. Nothing more, nothing less.
Everything can be done using keyboard shortcuts, so you can easily convert an amount between two currencies without interrupting your current workflow by using the mouse or launching another window-based application.

And just in case you would like to know what your paper currency is worth in sound money: Exchange Rates now also offers precious metals for conversions - each in grams and troy ounces.

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World Currencies

In addition to all important world currencies Exchange Rates also offers the current rates of IMF Special Drawing Rights, the U.S. Dollar Index and either the SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD, version 3.3.0 and later) or the VanEck GDX ETF (version 4.0 and later) as well.


All euro predecessor currencies with their fixed exchange rates are available as well, for example the Austrian Shilling or German Mark.


Exchange Rates also shows the prices for various built-in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, Monero or Ripple. You can choose from a variety of supported currency exchanges, other currencies and exchanges can be added easily in the app preferences (custom cryptocurrencies are only available in version 3.0 and newer, see the FAQ section for more informations about that).

Precious Metals

You can also check what your paper currency is worth in sound money: Exchange Rates shows the prices of the precious metals gold and silver in either grams or troy ounces.


You can also create notification rules for any currency pair or precious metal to be notified whenever an exchange rate ex- and/or deceeds a specific threshold.

Today Widget

Exchange Rates 3 also includes a today widget for the macOS notification center showing a list of your favorite currency pairs. On macOS Catalina and earlier, two more widgets are available as well: a tiled overview of you favorite currency pairs and a simple yet powerful currency converter. Please keep in mind that due to the profound changes in macOS Big Sur and several new functional limitations the latter two are unfortunately not available any more on macOS Versions 11 and later.

System Services

Exchange Rates is also available from within other macOS applications - like for example Safari - by offering two macOS system services to convert any amount to either local currency or to all your favourites without the need of copying and pasting it first. Keyboard shortcuts for these system services can be configured in the macOS system preference pane "Keyboards".

Track Your Favorites

Favorites help you to keep track of all your favourite exchange rates by allowing you to add any currency pair you wish to follow - be it of common world currencies, a cryptocurrencies or a precious metals. You can also choose a separate quotation (direct or indirect) for each favorite. This favorite exchange rates selection is then used for the menu bar panel and the today widgets inside the notification center, and they offer additionally informations about the up-to-dateness of the exchange rate data.

Always Up-to-date

Everything is updated automatically in the background, so the most recent rates are immediately available in the macOS status bar and the notification center (on OS X Yosemite and newer).

Simple & Efficient

Exchange Rates offers lots of keyboard shortcuts, so you can control basically all features of the app without the need of a mouse and thus interrupting your current workflow for a rather basic task like converting an amount to a different currency.


The user interface is focused on the essentials to keep it simple and its usage as efficient as possible. It helps you keeping track of all those currencies which are important to you - always available and always up-to-date. 

No unnecessary data collection

No user tracking or any additional data acquisition of any kind (e.g. via Google Analytics, Flurry etc.) is done by this app. The only network comunication done is for updating the exchange rates from the respective servers, these requests may be tracked by the respective server owner. The update frequency can be changed in the application's preferences, more informations about the loaded feeds can be found on the FAQ page.
Main Features:
✓  All important foreign exchange rates & currencies in your menu bar. Always available, always up-to-date
No more annoying fiddling with the OS X Calculator just to do a simple currency conversion
✓  Everything can be done using keyboard shortcuts to avoid interrupting your current workflow
Provides two system services for even more convenient currency conversions. Keyboard shortcuts for them can be set in the OS X System Preferences
✓  You can also check what your paper money is worth in gold and silver
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ether are also available
The fixed exchange rates for all Euro predecessor currencies are available as well
Add favourites (accessible with keyboard shortcuts) for frequently used conversions
Keeps a history of all most recently used currencies (can be deactivated)

The statusbar panel supports several different list types for using direct/indirect quotations and the used destination currency

Data Minimization: no unnecessary data collection (e.g. user tracking)
Advanced Features:
Today Widget for the macOS Notification Center
Notification rules pair to notify you when the exchange rate of any any currency de- and/or exceeds a predefined threshold
Other cryptocurrencies can be added manually
You can manually add feeds for other Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ether exchanges (only JSON feeds via http or https and without any authentification)
Offers two system services for convenient currency conversions
URI-Scheme for switching currencies, performing conversions or just opening the panel
Command line interface for currency conversions
Optionally shows the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) on the main panel and the today widget
Shows direct and/or indirect quotations (price or quantity notations)
Version 4.0


Please note: Exchange Rates is a research tool, it cannot trade foreign exchanges on your behalf. It is however a fantastic tool to keep an eye on the market, so all exchange rates and precious metal prices are provided for informational purposes only, and do not constitute financial advice of any kind. Although every attempt is made to ensure their quality, currentness, validity and availability, no guarantees or warranties of any kind can be given - so please use them at your own risk. The data is sourced from various providers with public-facing APIs, so copyright may apply. The resale of any data is prohibited.



Exchange Rates is being distributed eclusively via the Apple Mac App Store. If you should miss a feature or have any ideas how to make Exchange Rates even better, don't hesitate to drop me an email. Thank you!

Terminal Integration

To use the Exchange Rates command line interface for currency conversions from within your shell scripts more conveniently, you can install a command line tool for shell support and use it like this:
exchangerates convert from:USD to:EUR value:10
Usage informations are available using this command:
exchangerates help
Due to restrictions of the Apple sandbox security concept and Apple's policies for Apps distributed via the Mac App Store, you have download and run this separate package to install the Terminal support script for Exchange Rates to the folder /usr/local/bin, which will require administrator privileges:
Terminal support installer for Exchange Rates 3.0 and later


File size:
SHA Checksum: 


Nov. 29, 2023
app. 11 kB

Terminal support installer for Exchange Rates 2.x (Legacy Version)


File size:
SHA Checksum: 


August 19, 2018
app. 15 kB


Please note: The package for the legacy version 2.x won't work on macOS Big Sur (Version 11) and later, at least not without further ado, since it requires a PHP interpreter which is not part of macOS any longer since Version 11.0.

Updating Exchange Rates 2

The previous version - Exchange Rates 2 - has been superceded by version 3 and thus has been pulled from the App Store. But since Apps that aren't for sale any longer can't be found on the App Store in order to be updated, you have to follow a slightly diffeent approach.
So if you haven't had the chance to update it to its latest version, just follow these steps in order to get the last update of Exchange Rates 2:
  • Uninstall the app by deleting its App Bundle from the Applications folder
  • Reinstall the app on the Mac App Store via the list of purchases from your account overview
If the app is still listed with an "Open" button in there, you may have to reboot your mac or at least logout and re-login in order to make the App Store app update its internal cache.



Errors happen and may not always be found in time, so if you should find one or if you are missing an important feature, feel free to send me an email.

ExchangeRates Appcast

System Requirements

Exchange Rates Version 3.2.0:

  • OS X Version 10.11.0 or later
  • System requirements for OS X 10.11.0
  • Exchange Rates 3 is the first version fully supporting macOS 10.15 (Catalina). Previous versions may run, but there may be incompatibilities.
  • Exchange Rates 2.9.6 is the last version of Exchange Rates 2, and hereby the last one running on OS X version 10.10 (Yosemite). All future versions starting with Exchange Rates 3 – which is available as a paid update – will require at least OS X version 10.11 (El Capitan) or newer.
  • Exchange Rates 2.9.5 is the last version running on Mac OS X Version 10.10 (Yosemite). Exchange Rates 2.9.2 is the last version running on Mac OS X Versions 10.7 (Mountain Lion) through 10.9 (Mavericks). Exchange Rates 2.9.3 and newer requires OS X Yosemite (version 10.10.0) or newer.
  • Version History

    Although ExchangeRates is being developed with the utmost care and intensively tested before being published, I cannot guarantee the suitability of this program for any purpose not described on this website. No warranty can be assumed for the performance and flawlessness of the software for all usage conditions and cases and for the results produced when utilized by the user. ExchangeRates is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.

    Please keep in mind that the release of new versions on the App Store takes some time to to pass the review process, so bugfixes will not be immediately available. The current average review time of the App Store (as a rough guide value) is available on appreviewtimes.com.

    From where do you load the exchange rates?

    The exchange rates of all currencies (except the euro predecessor currencies) and the prices of precious metals gold and silver (or rather the respective Comex futures contracts GC=F and SI=F) are being fetched from Yahoo. They are updated with a delay (not realtime), please browse the feed for a complete list of all currencies and their dates. Since Version 4.0 you can alternatively fetch the exchange rates of the most important world currencies from the Euuropean Central Bank, which are updated once per working day at about 1600 hours.

    The euro predecessor currencies however are maintained manually, so changes (if a country should join or leave the euro zone) will require an update of the application.

    Cryptocurrency prices (Bitcoin, Litecoin etc.) are loaded from the servers of the respective bitcoin/litecoin exchange. You can open the respective feed in your default web browser by clicking on the small arrow button next to the exchange selector.

    All feeds use the same update frequency set in the application's preferences popover.

    Please keep in mind that the exchange rates and prices shown by this app are only for informational purposes and are no financial advice of any kind. The availability, quality and accuracy of this data cannot be guaranteed, so please use it at your own risk.

    Which euro predecessor currencies are available?
    My preferred cryptocurrency exchange is missing, can I add it myself?
    Which keyboard shortcuts are available?
    Can I assign a keyboard shortcut to the system services?
    How do I use the URI scheme?
    What exactly are direct and indirect quotations?
    I cannot find the Exchange Rates Login Item in the System Preferences!
    Why is it that the status item sometimes disappears?
    The Exchange Rates system services do not appear on my system.
    Errors happen and bugs may not always be found in time, so if you found one in one of my programs, if you are missing an important feature or just have another question, feel free to drop me an email.